Resist, Surrender, Peace, Shoot

2017, 10’ x 1’ x 2.5’

steel, enamel paint

Rock, paper, scissors: shoot.
Resist. Hands up! Peace. Pow.


These gestures hold connotations simultaneously, and these signs are loaded.


What do a children’s rhyme and radial political movements have in common? How is this subversive relabeling of preexisting signals a political act? This piece is a wake-up call, and a call to arms. We are in the midst of a world in which guns and student resistance have become commonplace in the educational setting. Complacency is not an option.


This piece was created as a semi-permanent and mobile installation unit. It was displayed in several outdoor locations on the Pennsylvania State University Campus and in the surrounding State College area.


Talk Dirty/Lip Service


Catch as Catch Can